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After I Die I Still Love Jayden Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Three months before, my period was late for almost a month. It was not so unusual since I often had irregular cycles, so I went to the hospital for a regular checkup.

My husband was raised by a single father after his mother’s passing, but the details of his father’s work remained a tightly guarded secret. Even on our wedding day, a brief meeting in a private hotel room was all I got. Perhaps, it was this constant shadow cast by a dangerous, hidden career that fueled my husband’s yearning for a child. He dreamt of a life bathed in the sunshine of a new family, a house echoing with the laughter of a child.

I texted him to say I was going to the hospital, but he said he was stuck with work and could not come.

The test result confirmed that I was pregnant, so I rushed excitedly to share the good news with my husband. However, the moment I found him, it was the moment when he was holding hands with a beautiful woman with wavy hair

They were holding each other close, looking like they were inseparable.

I know her. She was his first love who had recently returned from abroad.

Just… why did my husband lie? Why did he meet this woman behind my back? Confused and hurt, I tried to rationalize the situation. What if he was just helping her?

Just as I thought about saying hello, I saw two people walking over.

One of them was…

…my father–in–law!

I looked at my father–in–law in surprise since he appeared totally different. He dressed in a fancy suit and followed the steps of the other man closely. My father–in–law did not seem a friend or colleague, but rather… a subordinate! Suddenly, everything clicked in my head. I immediately realized what my father–in–law was doing and figured out the identity of the man in front of him. I quickly looked away, but my husband noticed I seemed spaced out for a


He then followed my gaze…..

It was my surprised look that ruined everything. It tipped off Hugo Jackson, the leader of the drug cartel who had been expecting the police. At the same time, it also put my father–in–law under suspicion.


The police swarmed around me, but Hugo held me hostage, using me as a human shield to escape. In a desperate move to save me, my husband and his father charged forward.

And so, this action completely revealed his father’s true identity.

Hugo pressed a gun to my head, yelling at the police to lower their weapons and let him escape. At such a dangerous moment, my whole body trembled with fear, but I forced myself to stay calm.


Tragically, the rescue attempt did not happen as planned. One of Hugo’s men panicked and shot without orders! The bullet hit ‘the traitor, my husband‘ s father, right in the chest!

“No! Dad!”

My husband’s heart–wrenching scream tore through the air.

When everything went chaotic, suddenly, the gun was not at my head anymore. It turned out Hugo had grabbed another hostage, Yve Sinclair, and tried to escape.

My husband’s father was shot right in the chest and was no longer breathing. In the end, to save Yve, my husband shot and killed Hugo. The police then captured the rest of the members.

His father had spent five years working undercover and finally collected evidence of Hugo’s crimes, only to be exposed by a chance encounter caused by my visit, causing him to die a hero.

From that day on, my husband who was once so loving, turned cold and distant. I simply asked him why he was at the hospital with Yve, but he thought that I did not trust him and followed him, leading to his father’s exposure.

He blamed me, thinking if I had not followed him secretly, I would not have seen his father, and his father would not have died.

In his eyes, I was the murderer of his beloved father and that created a huge gap between us now,

Even though I told him I only went to the hospital for a pregnancy test, even though I was carrying his child, he refused to listen as he believed it was all a lie.

Since then, he had never returned home. He spoke coldly toward me and called me a vicious murderer, but he

Chapter 7

showered Yve with affection.

I even went to the police station with flowers, begging him to forgive me for everything that had happened. Still, het thought of me as crazy, vicious, and a liar.

“You evil murderer! Why didn’t you die instead of my father?”

“You killed my father! How dare you come here begging for forgiveness?”

“Stop doing this! Even if you die, I would never care!”

He yelled at me to leave and never come back. He even acted lovey–dovey with Yve right in front of me, just to hurt me.

But dear husband, I really died now… and I would never appear before you again.

Chapter 8


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