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After I Die I Still Love Jayden Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Part 2

An officer entered the room, carrying a shoebox–sized package. “Captain Williams,” he called, “your wife sent something again….”

Jayden’s expression turned cold at the mention of my name. “From now on,” he ordered with a disgusted tone, “throw away anything she brings.”

Sensing his colleague’s frustration, Zac sighed and patted his shoulder. “Look, it’s been a while now. What happened to your father… wasn’t Samara’s fault. She’s a victim too here.”

With that, he opened the box, revealing a transparent jar inside.

A collective gasp filled the room as everyone saw something inside the jar. My husband’s hand went slack and the jar tumbled from his grasp, shattering on the floor. Inside was… a perfectly formed fetus preserved in formalin.

But what truly sent shivers down everyone’s spine was the disturbing, almost eerie, smile stretched across its tiny face. Even crashing to the floor, the fetus remained eerily still. It even bounced a little on impact.

A forensic doctor reacted swiftly, securing the tiny body in an evidence bag. One look was all it took for them to form a conclusion. “Fake,” he declared.

Jayden’s face burned red with fury. “This is just another one of her crazy tricks to get my attention!” he roared, accusing me after hearing just a single word.

But I had never sent that.

The officers were clearly shocked by the gruesome display and remained silent. Perhaps, they too thought it was a prank gone too far by me.

Zac sighed as he tried to intervene. “Samara doesn’t strike me as someone who would joke like this,” he

said. “Maybe there’s been a misunderstanding? You’ve been away for a while. Why not head home and sort things out?” Jayden scoffed. “Huh! What’s there to misunderstand? This is a threat! Her sending this over is a clear threat to have my child aborted!”

My husband sneered. “She’s a liar,” he spat. “She’d make up anything to avoid all blame, even children!”

“Even if she is pregnant, I will never let her have it. Someone like her doesn’t even deserve children!”

“I feel so sick every time I see her face! Now, we need to focus on the victim. We need more clues, an identified body, and a closed case. As quick as possible.”

I hovered in the air, tears flowing down my face as his words were like a knife in my invisible heart. Apparently… in his eyes, I was not even worthy of carrying his child.

Who was, then? His perfect past love?

Perhaps, he recalled the moment I told him that I was pregnant. My husband shoved the doll into the nearest trash


He then took out his phone and pulled my number out of his blacklist. His voice dripped with ice as he

spoke, “Now you‘ re threatening me with a fake fetus? That only makes you a monster in my eyes.

“You better stop being a crazy liar! Even if you‘ re dead, you won’t get my attention.”

But I was already dead…

…and I never lied.

That broken corpse


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