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After I Die I Still Love Jayden Chapter 11

Chapter 11

The police left once they finished inspecting the house and collecting evidence. The house that was once filled with laughter and love was now sealed off along with the happy memories.

The mood in the meeting room was heavy. Normally, as a family member of the victim, my husband should not be part of the investigation. However, after losing his father, wife, and son in just three months… it was clear the criminals were targeting him. For this reason, the police made a special exception, allowing him to join the case. The whiteboard was filled with fresh evidence. Crime scene photos, key points circled, everything laid out. My husband looked exhausted. His eyes were dark and puffy. He kept writing on a whiteboard in front of him, adding details to the board, his face pale with determination.

“There’s no spare key and the owner’s key wasn’t missing. There are no signs of a break–in on the door or windows, and the house is on a high floor. It seems unlikely someone forced their way in through the windows.”

“Maybe the murderer tricked the victim into opening the door, like a delivery person, someone bringing takeout, a repair worker… something like that.”

n easily.”

Or maybe they somehow got a copy of the key and walked right in

“Or perhaps the murderer was someone the victim knew.”

“Nothing valuable was stolen from the house, so it probably wasn’t a robbery. No one suspicious showed up on the security cameras, so the murderer must have planned this ahead of time. The crime scene was really clean. No dirt, weird footprints, or fingerprints. This means it wasn’t likely a crime done in the heat of the moment.” “The murderer killed, dismembered the body, left the body at the police station and sent….”

He paused for a moment. His voice strained as he continued, “He sent the fetus to the police station, provoking us. This indicates the murderer seeks revenge.”

“…Aimed at me.”

it illegal

He pointed to a photo of my corpse. “The murderer cut open the victim’s stomach, removed the fetus and put drugs inside. This is a challenge to law enforcement and especially us, anti–narcotics police officers.” The officers below were visibly enraged, their eyes filled with anger.

These despicable drug dealers have taken the lives of countless husbands, sons, and fathers. They’ve even gone so far as to brutally murder the families of anti–narcotics police officers to provoke law enforcement!

Examining the evidence at the scene, it was clear the murderer had a keen awareness of evading investigation. Zac thought hard and a question escaped his lips. “But… why kill someone right at their home? Why lock them. them and cut them open there?”



“The murderer must have known the victim very well to choose their house. They were confident that during the time of the crime, no one else would come home.”

All eyes instantly turned to my husband.

How could a pregnant woman with a child be left alone at home?

How could the murderer be so sure the victim’s family would not return?


My heart raced a little. So close…..

They were so close to solving the case.

My husband took a deep breath.

“Unless the murderer knew exactly where I was, or they’re someone close to me.”

Everyone thought he would break down, but to their surprise, he calmly dug out a case from three months before and reviewed it carefully,

In the end, the evidence pointed to someone within the inner circle of the leader of the criminal organization. Why else would they take such audacious risks to provoke law enforcement?

My husband grabbed a new whiteboard and wrote down the names of several important people in the drug cartel, with the leader’s name, Hugo Jackson, in the center. He drew complex lines connecting the names, showing their relations. Suddenly, his hand paused, focusing on Hugo’s personal life.

Hugo Jackson, fifty–four years old, divorced, with a daughter raised by his ex–wife.

He immediately sent someone to do a background check on his daughter and ex–wife. Everyone huddled together, piecing together more and more clues.

Chapter 11

Soon after…

My husband meticulously examined each photo of the crime scene, searching for the tiniest clue. My heart raced as I focused on a few images of the bathroom. I floated around anxiously, silently urging him.

Hurry! Find the evidence I left behind!

It would reveal the identity of the murderer!

It would… save you, Jayden!

Even though his heart harbored a deep resentment toward me, his death was something I would never wish for. I could not bear it, since I knew he would be the next target of her vengeance!


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