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After I Die I Still Love Jayden Chapter 1

Chapter 1

As the baby in my for me, but for a woman he called his lost, everlasting love.

belly was about to be taken out, my husband was elsewhere, preocupled with purchasing gifts.


His last words to me were dripped with hatred as he shouted, “What is it this time? Enough with your games! Stay away from me! Even if you‘ re dying, don’t you dare to bother me!”

Just a week later, a horrifying case landed on his desk. A pregnant woman had been dismembered in a shocking act of violence. The investigation revealed a murderer with a twisted mind, someone who seemed to understand police tactics and took satisfaction in cruelty. The deliberate taunt to the police, the calculated brutality, it all pointed toward revenge killing. Unfortunately, the truth was far more horrifying. The victim, the woman who was cut into pieces, was the very wife he shouted at with such hatred.

Part 1

After dismembering my body, the murderer heartlessly threw the pieces into the police station’s sewer system. Clad in protective gear, the police started a tough search in the smelly sewers. They searched for a whole day and night before finding the scattered remains.

My body parts were carefully emptied from the evidence bags, one by one. It took several forensic doctors three days and three nights to piece them together before finally reconstructing the form of a human figure. My head was badly damaged, beyond recognition. Several body parts were missing, some flesh having been washed away, while my left ear and a leg bone were gone.

The only part that remained relatively intact was my uterus. However, even that held a horrifying truth. It had been brutally cut open and crudely sewn back together. During the examination, unidentified powder spilled out from the uterus, its purpose a mystery.

After conducting a test, the police believed that the incident was a deliberate act of revenge by a drug cartel. In that case, they informed the anti–narcotic team for a collaborative investigation. This just so happened to be my husband, Jayden Williams‘ specialty. He was the youngest captain in the unit, known for solving tough cases.

Even the police did not have iron stomachs. The sight of my remains sent shivers and nausea through both teams. Jayden frowned deeply as his face turned pale with disgust as he fought back the urge to vomit.

My husband looked at my body with eyes full of disgust.

Jayden hated people involved with drugs more than anything. Perhaps, a fleeting thought crossed his mind that I might somehow be involved with drugs.

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The forensic doctor provided them with the details and started to explain his findings. “The victim,” he began, woman, likely between twenty–two and twenty–five years old. She bled to death after suffering horrific abuse. There are marks on her wrists and ankles from being restrained. Also, her body was bruised and her head was repeatedly whacked with a blunt object. Moreover, we found traces of drugs in her bloodstream.”

*The most disturbing part,” the doctor continued, “is that the victim was pregnant. Her uterus was cut open, not cleanly but with signs of struggle and infection. That means, while she was still alive, the murderer performed a crude forced surgery. They cut open her belly, removed the fetus and replaced it with a mysterious powder.”

“After sewing her back up, somehow, she managed to survive for at least seventy–two hours after this ruthless act.

Then, they beheaded her while she was still conscious and dismembered her body.”

“The powder left inside her for those seventy–two hours,” the doctor explained further, “caused unimaginable. suffering, inhumane torture.”

The captain of the criminal investigation division, Zac Miller, slammed his fist on the table in anger and disbelief. “This is crazy! A brutal murder!”

Disgust and fury filled the officers‘ faces. ‘Such cruelty, especially to a pregnant woman! It was most likely to be a revenge killing!” one yelled.

“How much hate can one person have to be this ruthless to a pregnant woman?” another echoed.

“And the audacity!” someone else growled. “Throwing the dead body in the police station’s sewer? That’s a direct challenge to us!”

Amidst the uproar, Jayden remained silent as his gaze fixed on the lab report detailing the unknown powder. His jaw clenched as he saw the drug identified and its purity listed.

A single, chilling sentence came out of his lips, “It’s them. It’s The Death Reaper.”

A heavy silence fell over the room. The name mentioned hung in the air, a chilling reminder for every anti–narcotics police officer. Every year, countless comrades” lives were reaped by a drug known as ‘The Dark Reaper. This highly addictive drug developed by a transnational criminal organization boasted the highest purity on the market, making it

Chapter 1

the most popular and deadliest choice among similar substances.

However, after ten years of relentless police work, there was finally a breakthrough. Three months before, this

transnational drug cartel was finally dismantled. The leader was taken down in a shootout, and all their stock of drugs was destroyed.

Now, here they were, staring at the dismembered remains of a woman. This gruesome case likely involved members of the group that evaded capture in the past.

They were back and this attack seemed like a deliberate act of revenge against the police.

Chapter 2


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